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Home Dental Services Dental Crown

Dental Crown Auburn MA

Rendering of jaw with dental crown at D.A. Dental in Auburn, MADentists frequently get asked, "Do I really need a crown?" since crowns are one of the most popular restorations that individuals need for their teeth.

Getting a dental crown is frequently the finest way to preserve a tooth for many years to come. There are, however, dental treatment alternatives that might postpone the requirement for a crown.

At D.A. Dental, Demi Athans, DMD will recommend the various cosmetic dentistry procedures such as dental implants or dental crowns depending on your situation.

Porcelain Dental Crowns

One of the most popular materials for dental crowns is porcelain. They may be colored to match nearby teeth, which makes them a wonderful material. As a result, porcelain is an excellent material for a crown on any tooth. For increased sturdiness and stability, porcelain is bonded to metal. When opposed to metal or resin crowns, one disadvantage of this kind of dental crown is that it may subject the adjacent teeth to more wear.

Stainless-Steel Dental Crowns

These crowns are a stopgap solution. They are utilized on permanent teeth to safeguard a tooth or filling until a permanent crown is fashioned of a different substance. Baby teeth of youngsters are also protected from decay with them until the tooth comes out.

In this situation, stainless steel crowns are a quick, low-cost alternative that only needs one visit to be placed.
They aid in protecting young patients' deteriorated teeth and are sturdy, corrosion-resistant, affordable, and cost-effective. Dental professionals utilize stainless steel crowns to restore a decaying molar. Additionally, it stops additional tooth deterioration. They are created in the identical size of a child's molar.

Zirconia Dental Crowns

Zirconium is a relatively new substance that blends porcelain crown beauty with metal strength. Recently, highly transparent and layered zirconia crowns have become high in popularity. Because zirconia can be cut and sculpted in the same dental office, zirconia crowns have the primary benefit of being less time-consuming to create. Sending them to a dental lab is not necessary. They are sturdy and long-lasting, and they offer excellent aesthetics, with a lower chance of chipping or breaking.

3D rendered cross-section view of three teeth with dental crowns made of different materials Auburn, MA

Dental Crown Costs

You undoubtedly want to know how much the various types of dental crowns cost now that you are aware of your alternatives. According to the material used and the level of preparation needed, this will change. For instance, porcelain crowns are often more expensive than metal ones.

In some cases, a core build-up is necessary before a crown can be placed in order to assist in preserving the integrity of the tooth. Other times, dentists must do a gingivectomy, a gum surgery in which a small portion of the gums is removed from the mouth to improve the appearance or prognosis of the affected tooth.

Dental Crowns in Auburn

If you have a tooth that needs to be crowned, contact us at D.A. Dental today!

Frequently Asked Questions
When is a dental crown necessary?
A dental crown is necessary when a tooth is damaged or decayed to the point where a filling cannot restore it. Crowns are also used to protect weak teeth, cover dental implants, support dental bridges, and improve the appearance of discolored or misshapen teeth.

How long do dental crowns last?
Factors that affect the lifespan of a crown include the material used, oral hygiene practices, and habits like teeth grinding or chewing hard foods.
International Congress of Oral Implantologists
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
Six Month Smiles
American Dental Association
Massachusetts Dental Society


916 Southbridge St.
Auburn, MA 01501


(774) 374-8295


Monday: 8am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 6pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 7am - 3pm
Saturday: 8am - 2pm

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Dental Crown | D.A. Dental | dentist Auburn, MA
Your mouth is important! Our staff here at D.A. Dental is here to help you take care of your teeth with dental crowns and restoration. Call today to schedule an appointment!
D.A. Dental, 916 Southbridge St., Auburn, MA 01501; (774) 374-8295;; 12/30/2024; Related Terms: Dentist Auburn MA;